Today, we’re breaking down the engagement session, our vision for them, and why we love them!
In our experience, our engagement session was one of the first events where we felt officially engaged. It’s a fun time that shouldn’t be riddled with stress and instead just an enjoyable process. It’s one of our favorite parts of our time together because it gives you a chance to be in front of our cameras before you get married, which is going to make your wedding day experience feel so smooth, seamless, and comfortable. Not only that, but we get to create something so special together. You’re going to be married for over fifty years, but you only get to be engaged for this short period of time. We’re so excited to capture the only time in your life when you get to call each other “fiancé.”

We get to know you!
As photographers, the engagement session’s value lies in three places. First, it’s the perfect time for us to get to know you, what makes you guys tick, and what looks most natural on you guys. We walk into an engagement session trying to figure out what makes the to-be bride throw her head back in laughter, what makes the to-be groom relax a little more, and how the couple shows affection best.

You get to understand our shooting process!
Second, it’s time for you guys to get to know how we shoot. We photograph in a very active manner. This means, yes, there will be you two frozen for a second just smiling into the lens as we get a classic portrait. We spend the majority of the shoot a different way. You’ll be frolicking, whispering, taking deep breaths together, and playing games. We “direct” rather than “pose” a large portion of our shoots.
This allows you room as a couple to show us how you would actually cuddle up. You can show how you embrace after being out of town for a week. It allows for the real authentic YOU to come out. But, we know that this is not a common professional photography experience that you’ve had in the past (if you’ve even had a professional photography experience), so we want to give you time to get used to it. Then, once you’re at your wedding you are a professional at “nuzzling.”

You get time to love on your fiance!
Lastly, and most importantly, we think engagement sessions serve as a devoted time for you two to embrace the engaged life. It’s time to just spend it loving on each other. On a normal day, we interact with our significant others between work and life. We kiss goodbye and hello, we cuddle on the couch, and maybe there’s a booty squeeze while cooking dinner. But on our engagement sessions, you have a devoted hour enjoying your significant other’s presence, breathing them in, kissing them everywhere, and laughing with them. It’s a place to enjoy your engagement away from the stress of wedding planning, an opportunity to show your fiancé that you care and enjoy them, and a dedicated opportunity to just love on them.

Engagement Session Time!
We think that this is the reason why our couples keep coming back for anniversary shoots. Yes, it’s very cool to have photos documenting that season in your lives, but it’s also such a fun activity to do with your honey while celebrating your love!
Want to get inspired? View some of our favorite engagement sessions from a Chicago skyline session to a winter, formal session!