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3 REAL Productivity Hacks for BUSY Entrepreneurs

photographer sitting at desk sharing 3 productivity hacks

Follow along for 3 productivity hacks for busy entrepreneurs! These 3 tips can help you build better habits and utilize your time the best way possible, especially as you head into a busy season!

Follow along for 3 productivity hacks for busy entrepreneurs! These 3 tips can help you build better habits and utilize your time the best way possible, especially as you head into a busy season!

My 3 Productivity Hacks For You!

I know many of you are heading into your busy season or you may already be in it! I have 3 productivity hacks that I want to bring you because things are going to get CRAY!

1. A Freakin’ Bomb Morning Routine

A good morning routine is something that makes a HUGE impact on my day! If I don’t run through this routine, it’s like night and day. It normally hits me in the afternoon if I don’t make this an intentional part of my morning!

My morning routine consists of journaling, a good breakfast, and my skin care! It gets me feeling grounded and prepped to take on the day.

Pick things that you love and that make you feel grounded and incorporate them little by little! Whether it’s waking up 30 minutes early or journalling, start by adding it slowly and one at a time into your morning routine to build the habit!

2. Habit Stacking

Next up is habit stacking. First, identify a habit that is easy for you and is always something you do. Then, pick a habit that might be more difficult for you and incorporate those two together and stack them side by side! Often, if they are related, it can be even better to stack them together.

For example, brushing my teeth is a habit that I’ve had for a long time and is something easy for me to do. If I want to start reading more in the morning and it’s hard for me to do that, I’ll put my audiobook on while I’m brushing my teeth! By stacking them together, even for a short amount of time, I’m creating a new habit and soon it will become second nature to want to read more in the mornings!

3. Schedule Your Hardest, Deepest Work For Your Best Work Time

When I first became an entrepreneur, I learned that my productive times are not the same as others. The times when my husband and I are most productive, for example, are VASTLY different!

First, practice self-awareness and find your most productive times! Is there time in the morning, or is it later at night when the kids go to bed? Whenever it may be, identify that time for yourself.

Next, do the hardest work during those times! Some people like to do their hardest or deepest work first thing during the day, but if that is not when you’re productive, that can be a big waste of your time. It could take a lot longer if you’re trying to get those things done during your unproductive hours!

Reach Out With Any Questions

And those are my 3 productivity hacks for you! If you have any questions, reach out because I love to chat, send video messages back to you, and just really get to know you guys and get to know what your challenges are.

We are also relaunching our Posing For Purpose course soon, which we are SO excited for! I know you guys have been waiting for the doors to open and it’s finally time, so stay tuned!

3 REAL Productivity Hacks for BUSY Entrepreneurs Youtube Video by Cameron & Tia

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