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High school sweethearts, photographers, and educators based in Minneapolis, MN

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1600 Mile Tesla Road Trip

couple driving together in tesla on a road trip

Join us for our first long road trip in our Tesla Model Y. See what a disaster it was!

Join us for our first long road trip in our Tesla Model Y. See what a disaster it was!

Our First Road Trip in our Tesla Model Y

While we’ve taken mini road trips before, like 3 or 4 hours, this was our very first LONG trip! We drove with Bella from Minnesota all the way to Arizona.

We started off the trip with some yummy Panera and of course, Bella needed a pup cup. A road trip is incomplete without one!

Two Hours In!

Two hours in and we were ready for our first charge. We let Bella out for a nice walk at each charging station but it was FREEZING. We learned that since it was SO COLD outside, it was using much more battery than normal and it was also charging much slower!

Finally we made it to Wichita, but much later than anticipated! Since it’s so cold and the car is heavy because of all of our things, the charging at each station takes longer. When we arrived at our hotel, the charging station for our Tesla was not working, so we had to game plan. BUT we were excited about Bella’s first night EVER in a hotel room! She was a little nervous at first, but cuddled up with us all night.

The next morning, we found a new charging station to get us ready to go! Our next stop was Truth or Consequences, New Mexico and we found a good spot to charge and some wifi so I could jump on a video call for my mastermind class!

We made it to hotel #2 and their charger was working, WOO HOO!

Almost There!

We hit the road in the morning and had one stop left as we headed into Arizona! Getting closer to Arizona, we were HYPED to make it there and see our family.

Overall, Cam rated our Tesla road trip a 6.5/10. Because of the cold and needing to stop more frequently to charge, it did take a lot longer than we were anticipating! We’re sure it would be much better in the summer and easier on the Tesla. Stay tuned, maybe we’ll do another road trip this summer?!

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