Hello friends, it’s inquiry season! Since so many amazing couples got engaged in the last few months, we are seeing the beginning stages of wedding planning! I want to give you my 5 tips to stand out with photography inquiries, and pop out of their inbox!
Tip #1
My first tip for you all to stand out with inquiries is to send a webpage for pricing instead of a PDF! A lot of people are seeing their inquiry responses ending up in spam folders, instead of the couples inbox. If you are sending a pdf, the likelihood of it ending up in a spam folder is much higher! If this is your first email to them, it can be a red flag and thrown into spam.
Sending a webpage can be so beneficial for a few reasons! One, because you can make it look the same as the beautiful PDF that you’ve created. Especially if you are using a designer like showit, you can customize your page however you like! Two, it allows you to update your pricing much easier and can help you avoid sticky situations! If you send out your pricing via PDF and you change your price before they respond, the couple could come back and say that the pricing you gave them is lower. If you have a website, you can update your pricing immediately. That way, it will always show the newest pricing whenever anyone comes back to it.
Tip #2
My second tip to stand out with inquiries is to shoot them a text! Most inquiry forms will ask for their name, phone number, and email. This is so helpful because it can be a way to communicate to them if they misspelled their email. It also gives us another opportunity to connect! I love to shoot them a text and say, “Hey girl! Just saw your inquiry come through, we are so pumped and you guys look freakin’ adorable!” I’ll also add any personal connection I can make from their inquiry.
After, I’ll add that I just sent over the pricing and details and to let me know if they didn’t get it or can’t find it! This can be super helpful for them to know that the response has been sent. It can also prompt them to look in their spam folders if they can’t find it. Otherwise, they might think that you ghosted them!
Tip #3
My third tip for you all to stand out with inquiries is to send a personalized video! I use a great tool called Soapbox that houses your videos on their platform. This is helpful because you don’t have to worry about creating a video, uploading to Youtube, just to link it! Soapbox is amazing because it can be a video of your face, your computer screen, or both. You can make a fun cover photo and you can put the link directly in the inquiry email!
If they mention a cool vacation they took or a venue that we haven’t shot at before, I include that in my video! Part of the video I can bounce back and forth between my face and the computer screen! It creates such a personalized experience and shows them that we really are paying attention and love to learn about them!
Another fun way to personalize your inquiry emails is to make a gif! It can be you dancing, or popping champagne, or whatever feels like you and add that to your inquiry email! We are always looking for amazing ways to stand out to our potential clients.
Tip #4
This might be controversial, but my fourth tip is to seek out people on social media, follow them, and interact! I know that at times it can feel stalker-y and creepy, but we are all about building the connection. When I put myself in their shoes and imagine a photographer following me on instagram and commenting on my photos, I would be so honored! That is how I’ve approached things with that mindset shift of let’s give them praise and show we are super interested in them!
I won’t do this for every client, but it is a great way to get on the front of their minds and get more on their radar! They could have inquired to four different photographers, but you were the one that showed up and made them feel so loved! What a difference that can make.
Tip #5
The fifth and final tip I have for you all on how to stand out with your inquiries is to respond ASAP. I know that you may have heard this a million times but it might look different for everyone. People have different boundaries with when they reply to emails like during business hours only or not having emails on their phones. For us personally, inquiries are the one exception we make. If it’s just me and my husband eating dinner and something comes through, we will pause and go respond to that.
It really makes a difference! If the photographers they inquired with are not getting back to them quickly, they might have already scheduled two consults with others that responded immediately.
Boundaries are so important and they look different for everyone, but timing can be so so important when planning a wedding!
Happy Inquiry Season!
Those are my 5 tips for you to stand out with inquiries! I hope you have an amazing inquiry season and that your bookings are up!