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High school sweethearts, photographers, and educators based in Minneapolis, MN

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How we use AI to Create Wedding Blog Posts

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Today, we’re diving into the exciting world of artificial intelligence and showing you how it helps us craft beautiful and engaging wedding blog posts in record time. Ready to see how we do it? Let’s jump right in to how we use AI to create our wedding blog posts.

Today, we’re diving into the exciting world of artificial intelligence and showing you how it helps us craft beautiful and engaging wedding blog posts in record time. Ready to see how we do it? Let’s jump right in to how we use AI to create our wedding blog posts.

The AI-Powered Wedding Blog Process

Imagine this: we photograph a stunning wedding over the weekend—Friday, Saturday, maybe even Sunday. By the following Tuesday, we’ve got a gorgeous blog post ready to go. How do we make this magic happen so quickly? With a little help from AI, of course!

Here’s a breakdown of our process:

  1. The Same-Day Slideshow Preview
    • Right after the wedding, we create a same-day slideshow with around 25 images. Not sure what a same-day slideshow is? Check out our video above for all the details and a behind-the-scenes look at how we make them fast!
  2. The Full Blog Post
    • By Tuesday, we post a comprehensive blog recap featuring 100-150 images from the wedding day. This includes not just the highlights but also the first kiss, the first dance, wedding party, family, and other memorable moments. It’s a full narrative of the day, making sure everyone involved gets to see themselves.
  3. Writing the Recap and SEO Optimization
    • The blog post also includes a written recap of the day, highlighting notable features and special moments. This helps with SEO, making sure we rank for specific venues and types of weddings. We also tag all the vendors involved, which is a fantastic networking tool. For more on vendor networking, check out our top five tips video linked above.

Let’s Get Technical: Using AI for Blog Creation

Now, let’s talk about how we use AI to make all this happen. Here’s a step-by-step guide to our AI-assisted blog creation process:

  1. Creating the Blog Post
    • We start by creating a new blog post in WordPress. For example, let’s say we’re writing about Allie and Jason’s wedding at Legacy Hill Farm. We format the title to include both the couple’s names and the venue for better SEO.
  2. Drafting the Content with ChatGPT
    • Next, we head over to ChatGPT, the free version, and give it some specifics about the wedding. We ask it to draft a 300-word post, ensuring it includes details like the fall colors, the planning by Ashley Skye Events, and a special appearance by the couple’s dog, Rufus. This makes the content feel personal and aligned with our brand voice.
  3. Refining the Content
    • We then tweak the draft to match our fun, casual, and chatty tone. We make sure it sounds like us and not too formal. We add little quips and personal touches to make it engaging and true to our style.
  4. SEO and Key Phrase Integration
    • Using the Yoast SEO plugin, we optimize the post for our key phrases, like “Legacy Hill Farm wedding.” We ensure these phrases are included the right number of times for optimal SEO performance.
  5. Generating Excerpts and Social Media Captions
    • For a quick summary, we use AI to generate an excerpt for the blog post. We also use AI to craft catchy Instagram captions with calls to action, ensuring they fit our style without unnecessary emojis or hashtags.

Why AI is a Game Changer

AI saves us a ton of time, allowing us to focus on what we love—capturing beautiful moments and connecting with our clients. It handles the heavy lifting of drafting and optimizing content, making our workflow more efficient and freeing up time for other creative endeavors.

Join the Conversation

We’d love to hear how you’re using AI in your own business. Have you tried AI tools for content creation? What’s your experience been like? Share your thoughts in the comments section of our video.

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Final Thoughts

Artificial intelligence is transforming the way we create content, making it faster and more efficient. We hope this video inspires you to explore AI and see how it can enhance your own wedding blogging process.

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