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High school sweethearts, photographers, and educators based in Minneapolis, MN

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How to Edit Fast with Aftershoot

In the fast-paced world of photography, every moment counts. Capturing the perfect shot is just the beginning of a photographer’s journey. The real magic happens during the editing process, where raw images are transformed into stunning masterpieces. However, this process can be time-consuming and daunting, leaving us photographers with less time to focus on what […]

In the fast-paced world of photography, every moment counts. Capturing the perfect shot is just the beginning of a photographer’s journey. The real magic happens during the editing process, where raw images are transformed into stunning masterpieces. However, this process can be time-consuming and daunting, leaving us photographers with less time to focus on what they love the most – capturing unforgettable moments. Enter Aftershoot, an AI-powered tool specially designed to revolutionize the editing workflow, allowing us to edit faster and with unparalleled precision. In this blog post, we’ll dive into the features that enable us to edit fast with Aftershoot!

Cull with Confidence

One of the most time-consuming tasks for us is the culling process, where we sift through hundreds or even thousands of images to select the best ones. Aftershoot’s CULL feature takes this burden off our shoulders by offering remarkable capabilities.

  • Duplicate Detection: Aftershoot intelligently detects and groups duplicate images, saving us valuable time during the culling process.
  • Smart Grouping: It goes beyond mere duplicate detection, grouping similar-looking images based on our style of shooting. This ensures that we can focus on the unique nuances of each group, expediting the selection process.
  • Proprietary Best Image Selection Algorithm: Aftershoot’s patented (pending) algorithm is a game-changer. It considers various factors such as Emotion, Context, Composition, Sharpness, and our personal style to identify the absolute best image from a series. This feature alone streamlines the culling process significantly.
  • Customizable Sensitivity: Recognizing that each photographer’s preferences and needs are different, Aftershoot allows complete customizability, empowering us to fine-tune settings to receive just the right number of images for review.
  • Context-Aware Delivery: Aftershoot ensures that we never miss a crucial moment. It automatically delivers one image from each group, ensuring that intentional and unintentional blur or closed eyes are accounted for. Additionally, it alerts us if no better image is found within a group.
  • Offline Convenience: With Aftershoot, we can perform all these culling tasks without requiring an internet connection. The tool utilizes the computer’s compute power, ensuring enhanced convenience, safety, and security.

Enhance Edits with Ease

Once the culling process is complete, we move on to the editing phase. Aftershoot’s EDITS feature steps in here, bringing personalized learning and intelligent adjustments to the table.

  • Personalized AI Profile – Your Personal Muse: Aftershoot learns from a our past editing choices and builds a unique AI profile called our “Personal Muse.” This tailored approach ensures that Aftershoot understands our preferences and style, leading to more accurate and time-efficient edits.
  • Commonly Used Slider Adjustments: Aftershoot offers a comprehensive set of commonly used sliders, including Exposure, Highlights, Shadows, White Balance, HSL, and Tone Curves, among others. These adjustments cover all the essential aspects of image enhancement, enabling us to achieve the desired results swiftly.
  • Context-Aware Cropping and Straightening: Recognizing the significance of composition in post-production, Aftershoot provides cropping and straightening tools with context awareness. This allows us not only to bring more focus to the subject but also to fix composition issues effectively.
  • Offline Editing: Just like its CULL feature, Aftershoot’s EDITS work seamlessly offline after the initial process of building the AI Muse. This allows us to edit freely, irrespective of internet connectivity, and without compromising on efficiency.

Seamless Integration

Aftershoot’s integration capabilities further enhance its appeal to us! The tool offers a direct export option to industry-standard photo editing software like Lightroom and Capture One. This seamless integration ensures that we can transition from Aftershoot to their preferred editing environment without any hassle.

Aftershoot emerges as a True AI-Powered Companion

This companionship allows us to edit our images faster and more efficiently than ever before. With its advanced CULL feature, we can breeze through the culling process, confident that we have the best images at hand. Meanwhile, the EDITS feature brings personalized learning and an array of powerful adjustments to the editing table, empowering us to achieve our creative visions. Aftershoot’s ability to work offline further solidifies its position as a reliable, secure, and convenient tool for us, ensuring that we can focus on what we love. We truly believe that Aftershoot’s features allow us to edit fast and efficiently like never before.

If you’re interested in Aftershoot and want to see how it can change the game for you like it did for us, use our link HERE to get 15% with Aftershoot! Try it out and see how we edit fast with Aftershoot.

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