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What to do when a Client Puts a Filter on Your Photos

Today we are spilling the tea and answering the age old question: What do I do when my client puts a filter on my photos?

I think we as photographers have all experienced seeing our work being posted with the UGLIEST instagram filter over it. It’s not a fun thing to see when we spend hours perfecting the edit to deliver to our clients. So, the question is what do we do when this happens to us? How should we handle this? The answer is simple, leave it be.

Set Clear Expectations

It is our job as a vendor and the business to set clear expectation with our clients. You can’t expect your client to understand why it is such a no-no to put a filter over the final delivered images. We as professional needs to explain to our client what we expect from them, we need to educate them. If you are someone who has it buried in a contract not to edit the delivered photos, that is not enough. Remind them softly and frequently about important things like this. During a consult, in a reminder email and when we deliver the final product are great times to again express the expectations.

Why you Should Not Reach Out to Them

Reaching out to the client who has posted your photos with instagram filters on them and asking them not to do that isn’t ever going to benefit you. Imagine if a vendor reached out to you telling you you’ve violated the contract and that you are doing something you are not supposed to do. That would leave your client feeling embarrassed, resentful, and probably with a sour taste in their mouth.

What do I do?

If I see someone post one of our images with a filter I will leave an endearing comment. Something like “Oh my gosh! So so beautiful!” If anything, this might remind them “Oh wait, I wasn’t suppose to put a filter on the images.” They might delete it, repost it without it or it might trigger that reminder! It also works great if they forgot to tag you as well!

We hope you enjoyed this video and cam help you navigate this problem in a more productive way! As always don’t forget to subscribe to our Youtube channel for more educational videos like this one!

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